SGV Forging in Skultuna AB is the oldest of two companies that form part of the AM Stacke Group. It is owned by the listed company Amnode AB.
But our history begins way back in 1607, when the monarch at the time, King Karl IX, decided to start a Swedish brass industry. The town of Skultuna was well suited, with both water power and forests readily available, enabling them to produce charcoal.
Much has happened since then, and we have continued to hot-press metals, i.e. to forge in brass, but also copper and aluminium. We manufacture products such as valves, couplings for PHS, components for gearboxes and braking systems for vehicles. But also couplings and fasteners for the power industry in the area of electronics.
Often, when we forge a blank, we save a lot of material and end up with a blank to process. Our customers buy blanks which they process themselves, but we also carry out processing to produce finished products. In brass, we have the capacity to forge workpieces in unit weights from a few grams up to 25 kg. We forge about 800 ton of brass and about 30 ton of copper every year. Aluminium has not been a major raw material for us, but demand has risen among our customers. We have therefore now expanded our business to include forged products in aluminium.
We have 4 press lines for hot forging, which takes the form of each press line heating a cut material object. The blank is then forged and cooled down on a cooling table before being trimmed to produce a finished workpiece. All of these steps are fully automated.
We also have traditional presses, that are operated by robots or manually controlled. We have recently invested in a new press from the German brand Siempelkamp with a pressing force of 800 ton. Previously, we already had a similar screw press but with a pressing force of 1250 ton.
Our manufacturing takes place both with material we have purchased ourselves and material provided by the customer. We manufacture in batches from a few thousand per order to volumes of around one million of the same item. Deliveries go primarily to the Nordic region, Europe and South America.
Always with a maximum focus on the customer, so that we can offer the very best service and become an obvious first choice for you, the customer.